Wednesday 14th July

Good Morning for the last time as Red Class! 💙💚💛💜

Its our last day 😭! Can you believe it! I can't!

Today, there are no suggested activities because its Party Day! 🙌🎆🎇🎈🎉🎊

Here are the games and times we will be doing them in class today, so you can join in at home too! Please use the zoom link below

Join our Party Day Zoom

Meeting ID: 741 1735 6791
Password: 1ZgMf7

Party Day Line-up 

Musical Statues - 9.30am

Pin the Hat on Mrs Prescott - here's the photo to use for your game. We will be making our own crazy hats for Mrs Prescott to wear! Please send in your results!

Party Day Picnic Lunch - 11.45am - Don't forget to get your decorations up somewhere

Musical Bumps - 1.30pm

Treasure Hunt - Here are the resources to have a go at the activity at home. Letter for Pirate Pete, Treasure cards, Your Map

Beetle Drive - 2.15pm - here are the instructions for the game. First person to complete their beetle shouts BEETLE to win.

Finally Goodbyes - 2.55pm

Well, have tons of fun today!!!

And have a wonderful, brilliant, fabulous summer holiday, whatever you are doing!

Mrs Prescott, Mrs Herbert, Mrs Homer and Miss Payne 💜💛💚💙🙋😭


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