Thursday 7th May

Buenos Dias Red Class 🐳

Wow! How is it Thursday already? It's nearly the weekend already!

Today I thought I'd add a link to a storyteller so that you can enjoy a story at the end of the day, just like we would do in Red Class. These are 'Stories by Nick'; new stories are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2pm, but there are loads already available for you to listen to.

Here are today's suggested activities:

Thursday 7th May

I hope you enjoyed being a Scientist again today, and don't forget to put your photos onto ILD so I can see what you have been up to!

Have a great day,

Mrs Prescott

Note to Parents:

 Please remember that these are suggested activities for the day. Set the level of work that you feel is appropriate and achievable. There is no expectation for you to print work at home. The majority of the work suggested can be written straight into the Home Learning Books or photos and videos uploaded onto ILD.


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